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Is the emergency department the best place for you?

If not, there are other options

Education and Training


Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Research Services supports the ongoing education and training of its researchers and research team members. Each member of a research team must have the appropriate qualifications, training and participate in ongoing training and education appropriate to their role.

Please contact our Accreditation Team for training requests or further information at

GCP Face-to-Face Training Testimonial

"If you are a researcher who is looking for a worthwhile GCP course, I highly recommend the face to face training over the online option to get this certification.

I recently had to renew my GCP and found this face to face course infinitely more informative, useful and engaging in comparison to the online version.

The presenters who gave the lectures were knowledgeable, enthusiastic and had lots of CALHN specific research experience which gave context and advice which I did not gain from the on line versions.

There were lots of opportunities for questions, discussion and networking with the other participants.

Excellent course. Well worth the time."

- A/Prof Cynthia Papendick, Research Director CALHN Emergency Departments

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